Indian and Ukrainian guest workers keep Hungarian wage levels low?
Opposition Mi Hazank leader László Toroczkai on Friday accused the government of pursuing anti-Hungarian economic policies and supporters of the party held a protest in Szeged, in southern Hungary, blocking a lane of the main road connecting the city with Budapest.
Toroczkai told a press conference that the “tragic crisis situation which has emerged” should not affect Hungarian workers and businesses as severely as it does. “This is primarily the consequence of the Hungarian government’s economic policies,” he added.
He accused the government of “continually patching up holes”, adding that “the government creates a crisis situation in order to appear as the one offering solutions”.
Toroczkai said the weakening of the forint was also caused by the government’s economic policies. Mi Hazank has asked the government to increase wages in order to prevent Hungarians from leaving the country to work abroad, he said. The Indian and Ukrainian guest workers arriving in Hungary keep wage levels low, he added.
He said protests were under way in several points around the country and they want to show people that there were alternatives.
Source: MTI